How to Choose the “Right” Therapist for You

Any Google Search will produce a list of therapists/counsellors for your choosing. The question is… which therapist is good for you? Here are some questions to consider: 1. What is it like to speak with the therapist when inquiring about therapy? Do you feel...

What is Psychotherapy

Psychotherapy is a broad term that involves a process involving a trained professional, and an individual, couple or family (the “client”) where certain issues, stressors or mental health concerns are treated and conflicts are resolved in a way that is crafted and...

Social Anxiety

Shy or Too Scared: Social Anxiety According to Columbia Medical Centre researchers and the National Association on Mental Illness (NAMI), Social Anxiety  is the most common type of anxiety reported. Social anxiety disorder,  also known as a social phobia, occurs when...

The Tricky Business of Consequencing

When tempers are rising and your child has broken a rule, it is tempting to consequence BIG. Many parents get frustrated and consequence or impose a grounding  for long periods of time so their kids FEEL the punishment. Unfortunately, this option rarely results in a...